

Valiant Space's VS-1 is a non-toxic bipropellant thruster designed for small satellites. With a thrust of 20N, the VS-1 is ideal for performing fast orbital manoeuvres on satellites in the range of 50 to 500kg+. The thruster requires no pre-heating of catalyst beds, can fire on command, can fire continuously for long durations, and can be restarted for multiple burns. Its non-toxic propellants allow for safe easy, and low-cost integration and fueling operations on the ground.

    • Thrust: 20 Newtons

    • Specific Impulse (Isp): >270 seconds

    • Max. Burn Time: >60 seconds

    • Oxidiser: Nitrous Oxide

    • Fuel: Propane

    • Mass: <800 grams

    • Peak Power: 13 Watts

    • Comms: CAN FD

    • Health Monitoring: Chamber Pressure & Temperature

    • ITAR Free

    • 12 weeks from purchase order to shipping

    • Baseline documentation includes operators manual and acceptance test results

    • Additional documentation and testing available on request